N6RBR, Lonnie Bland |
N6RBR or November 6 Radios Best Radio, aka "The Boss" became a Silent Key on Wednesday August 19th 2020. |
Lon was one of the founders of the WALA system. We had fun on the WALA system and would kid Lon about the time and if he was sleeping, he would always tell me that "sleeping dogs always have one eye open". We would kid him about buying lunch for us all. He would reply "When its done". Lon knew that the WALA system would be an ever expanding and growing with new technologies introduces daily. And he was right... The WALA network covers all of California major cities. And has world wide links. Lon's dream was to have a system of interconnecting Amateur Repeaters spanning all of California for the sole purpose of emergency communications. The system has grown from 3 linked repeaters to over 17+ with 2 hubs that can handle IRLP, Echolink and Allstar. What a system... Lon handed over the task at hand to his control operators / repeater owners Herman N6HHP, Brad W6BJM, Jeff W6JSO my self Sal N6SPD... From all of us at WALA, "God Speed Lon" 73 Radio Best Radio Rest In Peace LON
On Thursday afternoon May 1st 2008, Los Angeles Radio Personality “Shotgun Tom” Kelly took time from Los Angeles KRTH “K-Earth 101” to discuss ham radio longevity and advancements in Amateur Radio. This was accomplished via IRLP (The Internet Radio Linking Project) and the Western Amateur Linking Association Network. “Shotgun Tom” Kelley was brought on the Radio by KF6ZOL Mike Davis and enjoyed a QSO with N6RBR Lon Bland of Redondo Beach, CA. This QSO was heard on several repeaters including the WA6UQZ repeater in Lompoc, N6DSP Orange, N6SPD in the Monterey Bay, KG6FOS Bakersfield, and WA6TMJ in Chicago. Below is a recording from the N6USO repeater in Los Angeles. And another interview with David KJ6ZFV are available below along with The Monday night WALA net Memorial to Lon N6RBR from the N6SPD WALA North Hub...
Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2235 for Friday August 28 2020 Mentions Lon's Memorial Net. Click here for the transcript and edited report. |
Searching for Pic... |
KB6FLF, Richard Requa. Became a Silent Key on August 2nd 2020 he was 75 years old. |
Richard was famous for his "I hope everything goes well for you" always stating that to everyone he contacted. Richard was the Ambassador to the WALA system. |
W6WVF, Charles White, Became a Silent Key on ??? |
KK6DMT, Elaine White, Became a Silent Key in February of 2018 |
KB6Q, OJ . Became a Silent Key in April of 2019 |
WA6UQZ, Jim Nevius. Became a Silent Key on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, at the age of 90. |
Please email me with your questions Sal, N6SPD |
WALA Control Operator / Repeater Owner, Monterey Bay |