WALA "Western Amateur Radio Linking Association" is a World Wide Repeater System. |
MCARG / N6SPD is a WALA Affiliated Repeater System. |
WALA Guidelines |
IRLP Western Reflector 9350 Status |
Accessing the WALA / N6SPD network |
Search for an IRLP node in your area |
Contacting a Control Operator |
Please join us for our weekly net on Mondays at 19:30 hrs (7:30 pm California Time)
Welcome to the Western Amateur Radio Linking Association, aka WALA. |
The WALA system consist of many repeaters linked together via IRLP "The Internet Radio Linking Project". |
We accomplish this magic by linking repeaters via the internet to a central Hub we call the LAX Reflector . |
The LAX Reflector gets its name for its location close by the Los Angeles Airport. |
Each Reflector has 10 channels, 0-9, we use channel 0 on reflector 935. |
That's why we call it the 9350 reflector. |
The other 9 channels are assigned by the reflector owner N6RBR. |
The WALA system is not only a California State Wide System. |
It covers many states and is linked to many Countries World Wide. |
You can see who is connected to the LAX hub by clicking on this link : IRLP Western Reflector 9350 |
Please review the WALA Guidelines before using the system. |
Welcome to WALA ! |
Please email me with your questions Sal, N6SPD |
WALA Control Operator, Monterey Bay |